Exercises of Activity Book

Exercises of Activity Book

1  Order and match

  1. cities. I more live in people think that will.

I think that more people will live in cities. Picture c

  1. happy. Will think be everyone that.

I think that everyone will be happy. Picture a

  1. will think people that fly. I.

I think that people will fly. Picture d

  1. people I think that wear computers. will.

I think that people will wear computers. Picture b


2  Read and answer

Yes, I do.    No, Idon’t.

Do you think that...

  1. people will live on the moon one day?
  2. robots will cook our meals in twenty years?
  3. there will be more people in a hundred years? 4. you will have a car that can fly?
  4. you will live in a skyscraper?

Student’s own answers.


3  Read and match

  1. c
  2. e
  3. a
  4. b
  5. f
  6. d


4  Write about you

Pupil’s own answer


5  Write

  1. Khadija thinks that there will be a lot of small buildings.

No – people will live and work in skyscrapers (picture b).

  1. Khadija thinks that pupils will have lessons and play sports in skyscrapers.

Yes (picture b).

  1. Khadija thinks that people will walk around the city.

No – helicopters will carry people (picture b)

  1. Amal thinks that everyone will live on the moon.

No – some people will live on the moon (picture a)

  1. Amal wants to travel to the moon.

 Yes (picture a).

  1. Amal wants to live on Earth.

Yes (picture a).

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

19 / 04 / 2020

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