Exercises of Pupil’s Book

Exercises of Pupil’s Book

2   Look and say

  • float  
  • sink
  1. If you put metal in water, it sinks.
  2. If you put wood in water, it floats.
  3. If you put glass in water, it sinks.
  4. If you put plastic in water, it floats.
  5. If you put paper in water, it floats.


3   Ask and answer

Suggested question and answers

Q: What happens if you put the coin in water?

A: It sinks.

Q: What happens if you put the ball in water?

A: It floats.

Q: What happens if you put the crayon in water?

A: It floats.

Q: What happens if you put the ring in water?

A: It sinks.

Q: What happens if you put the boat in water?

A: It floats.

Q: What happens if you put the car in water?

A: It sinks.


5   Read again and answer

  1. What do you need for the experiment?

You need a plastic bottle, a balloon and a bowl of hot water.

  1. Do you put the balloon in the bottle?

No, you don’t. You put the balloon over the top of the bottle.

  1. Do you put the bottle in a bowl of cold water?

No, you don’t. You put it in a bowl of hot water.

  1. Why does the balloon inflate?

The balloon inflates because the warm air goes into the balloon and rises.

  1. How do hot air balloons work?

Hot air balloons rise because the warm air inside the balloon rises.


8   Listen again and order the pictures

  1. a
  2. c
  3. f
  4. b
  5. d
  6. e

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

09 / 06 / 2020
